New Cabinets: Is It Time to Revamp Your Kitchen?

Are you wondering whether to replace your kitchen cabinets with new ones? Maybe you’re stuck between doing the partial replacement (refacing) and installing new cabinets? It is cheaper to repaint or replace the doors and drawer fronts to give your cabinets a fresh look. But sometimes, especially when the cabinets are severely damaged, installing new ones is the best option and can revamp your kitchen.

With this in mind, here are signs that you need to give your kitchen a fresh look.

New Cabinets: Is It Time to Revamp Your Kitchen?

Presence of Water Damage 

Most kitchen cabinets are made from wood. When exposed to water from plumbing leaks and kitchen spills, wood can deteriorate in quality and lose its luster over time. Minor damages from small leaks and spills are easily fixable, but extensive water damage will call for an entire replacement of the cabinets. Look out for the following signs if you suspect your cabinets have been water damaged:

  • Delamination on the outsides of the cabinets
  • Wood blackening or changing color
  • Doors not opening or closing properly
  • Warping of the wood
  • Presence of mold

Before replacing your cabinets, identify and fix the source of water damage to protect your updated cabinets from a similar fate.

Efficiency and Usability Problems

Cabinets that aren’t efficient or easy to use can be frustrating. Some are too high up that you need a stool to access items. Others require you to remove the front items to locate those that are tucked at the back. Some cabinets have drawers that make weird sounds as you open and close them, while others get stuck and you have to apply pressure to open them.

If you’re facing these issues with your cabinets, it’s time to replace them with new ones. Ask the remodeling contractor to install them at a suitable height for proper accessibility. Also, use quality materials that won’t suffer damage within a short time and force you to incur repairs in the future.

You Have an Old Home and need an update

The older your home is, the older the fixtures therein. If you’ve never replaced the cabinets in your house since its construction over a decade ago, it may be time to consider a remodeling project. Swapping old, conventional cabinets with newer designs can dramatically transform your kitchen and add visual appeal.

For example, homeowners today are opting for open shelving as compared to boxed-up cabinets. Similarly, they are embracing color and exploring various cabinet styles such as floating, under-sink, and under-island designs to give the kitchen a clean, minimalist look. Replacing your cabinets won’t break the bank, and it’s an excellent way of revamping your kitchen without investing hugely in a renovation project.

Ready to Install New Cabinets In Your Kitchen?

New  cabinets may be all you need to give your kitchen a face-lift, improve its functionality, and boost the curb appeal of the entire home. Are you ready to get started? Contact us today at Complete Construction DFW for expert services. We will work with your budget to deliver high-quality, functional, and aesthetically appealing cabinets to revamp your kitchen.

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